The second Spin-off workshop organised for MSc and Ph.D. students took place in Zagreb from 25th to 27th April. The topic Innovation in process-oriented orebody characterization, was following the IUC Dubrovnik workshop for Raw Materials (RM) professionals held in 2022. This year, the Spin-off workshop was organised jointly by the University of Liege (ULiege) and the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering (RGN-UNIZG), in a hybrid form; meaning all lectures were also streamed for online participants.
During the 3 days of the workshop, students had an opportunity to enjoy thematic lectures, practical classes, and demonstrations from various experts in the field of Raw Materials.
On the first day, Dr. Sibila Borojević Šoštarić opened the workshop with a warm welcome to all participants and a few introductory sentences about the DIM ESEE 2 project and the scope of Spin-off workshops for students. The first lecture was given by Dr. Eric Pirard, where he introduced the students to the philosophy of process-oriented characterization. Dr. Hassan Bouzazah continued with the definition of Acid Mine Drainage and Dr. Abdellatif Elghali followed with the Prediction tools: static and kinetic tests, as well as the Automated Mineralogy case studies. After the lectures, students visited the mine St. Barbara in Rude (Samobor) where they first learned about the geological setting of the mine. The mine tour afterward was led by the expert guidance of Dr. Sibila Borojević Šoštarić and a local tour guide. Dr. Sibila together with her assistant Dr. Tomislav Brenko demonstrated the sampling of rocks and water. Several samples were taken to the university for further analysis.
On the second day, two lectures were given by Dr. Eric Pirard: Introduction to Sampling and Principle of Stereology. The rest of the programme was complemented by practical classes and demonstrations in the laboratory. Students were split into two groups to follow the practical work more easily, which was the sample preparation and analysis of the collected material (Sobek test – determination of the neutralization potential). The afternoon session was followed by lectures by Dr. Hassan Bouzahzah on the topics of Optical microscopy and Workflow from Optical microscopy to SEM.
The third day started with a lecture from Dr. Hassan Bouzahzah on Automated Mineralogy (how it works). One group of students then revisited the laboratory afterward to continue with the determination of neutralization potential. Dr. Hassan demonstrated the titration with pH control and calculations necessary to complete the Sobek test from the day before. The other laboratory group attended the Ionic Chromatography for the determination of major ionic species in the sampled water from Rude deposit demonstrations, introduced by Vinko Baranašić. After the laboratory work, students joined the practical lecture on Element to mineral conversion for data reconciliation. The final lecture was given by Dr. Abdellatif Elghali on Process Mineralogy and Automated Mineralogy – Case study.
The whole spin-off programme was adapted to the student`s level. All together around 40 students online and on-site listened to useful lectures connected to “real-life” business situations and challenges, while on-site participants enjoyed many practical classes related to the process-oriented orebody characterization intending to inspire future RM professionals to apply their knowledge in the field.