The fourth and final edition of Innovative workshops in Dubrovnik in the scope of the DIM ESEE-2 EIT Raw Materials project was held from 16th to 18th October 2024 in the Interuniversity centre Dubrovnik (IUC). Under the topic Innovations in ore processing participants got familiar with:

  • various processing techniques for primary and secondary raw materials to produce marketable products,
  • importance of critical and strategic raw materials in the ESEE section,
  • content and approval process of the regulatory EIA and ESIA studies, Environmental Auditing, and Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESMPs), 
  • scaling up a process from laboratory to pilot and industrial scale,
  • characterization and disposal systems of mine waste and selecting the most appropriate mine waste treatment scheme,

and other. Besides the mentioned learning outcomes obtained through interactive lectures, participants were engaged in several hands-on learning challenges, provided also by the academic staff and industry experts. Divided in 6 hybrid teams (online and onsite), participants had to solve challenges faced by the RM sector in the processing of ore and waste materials for the sustainable recovery of the contained mineral values and were finally evaluated by the lead programme management team. This is the new evaluation strategy we have included this year to encourage the participant`s active role in learning, critical thinking skills, collaboration in interdisciplinary contexts and ability to problem – solve. The trainees were supported in their work by the lead programme management team. The final pitching of ideas took place on the last day of the workshop, 18th of October, and the winning team was Team 6 with Jakub Progorowicz from Comex Polska Sp. z o. o. presenting their solution to the challenge „Environmental concerns in Raw Materials production from primary sources„ as a team leader.

Altogether 53 participants were present in the workshop which is the highest number in the last four years of project implementation; 22 participants followed the workshop online and 31 on-site in Dubrovnik. In total participants applied from 13 different European countries representing 34 institutions altogether. The highest number of registered participants applied from Ukraine, even 16 of them, making a large comparative advantage. The participants` profile was mostly from academy (professors, assistants and PhD students), however the number of industry representative was very high this year and definitely not negligible (almost 42%).

The workshop was closed on Friday by the project manager Sibila Borojević-Šoštarić providing a brief overview of the presented topics and lecturers per day and also opening a look on the future editions. Early plans for DIM ESEE 2025 were revealed, meaning that DIM ESEE in the future will take shape of a conference with various raw materials topic fields that will fall under the same umbrella „Development and innovations in mining“– new catchphrase for DIM.