Under the 2019 topic Small mining sites – Innovation in mining DIM ESEE project participants discussed future and innovation potential for small and intermediate size deposits, currently representing vast majority of the European and the ESEE mining industry. The following questions were discussed:

The future of EU mining sector

  • What is the future of European Raw Materials sector?
  • What is the future of the Industrial Minerals?
  • What is the future of European Copper Industry?

Innovation in mining

  • How do we integrate innovation in education?
  • Can we excavate in flooded mines?
  • What are the uses of geoinformation system, drones and 3D models in mining?

EU legislation and urban mining

  • What is the current state of mineral policy in EU28?
  • Can we excavate without a blasting vibration?
  • How can we predict and avoid surface subsidence?

Exploitation: innovation & optimization

  • Best cases of innovation and optimization implemented by companies within the ESEE region.

Focus on Cement industry

  • How can European lime industry become competitive and efficient?
  • How can we reduce CO2 emission from lime industry?

As many of you didn’t have the chance to participate in 2019 school, we prepared the online course  where we have made available all the 2019 lessons online. Online course consists of 19 lessons delivered by renowned experts and academics in the field of mining. Each buyer can be awarded 2 ECTS for participating in the course!



Below you can find a short video teaser from 2019 school and read more about last year’s lecturers and lessons they provided. We are expecting you at this year’s school, but before you join us, check what we did last year!



Name: Roman Dychkovskyi
Title: Prof.
Institution: Underground Mining Department , Dnipro University of Technology
Address of the Institution: D Yavornytskogo ave. 19, 49000 Dnipro, Ukraine
Tel: +38 0577446214

Roman Dychkovskyi is the Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of Underground Mining Department in Dnipro University of Technology (former: National Mining University). Also he is the Deputy Vice-rector for Scientific Affairs and the Head of the Department of Development & Research and responsible for organizing and managing the scientific and research activity in this university. Under his supervision it is conducting the innovation activity of the university and transfer technologies to industry.
Roman Dychkovskyi is the specialist in the extracting the thin and very thin coal seams, including reserves with different structural changes; substantiation the mining technologies in zones of geologic infringements and stress borders; underground coal gasification; management of mining pressure; simulation the mining processes and other problems related to mining activity.
His scientific work is well known in Ukraine, Poland, Germany and other countries. He is author nearly 150 publications (including 11 monographs and 26 patents). Also he is the member of redaction commission of 4 international journals and magazines: “Bulletin of National Mining University”, “Suitable Development”, “Mining of Deposits” and “Wiadomości Górnicze”.


The lecture gives the opportunity to understand the concept of “small mining sites”. Approaches are considered for the definition of this concept in different mining countries. Nowadays, some parts of mineral deposits within the existed mines can be considered as geometrically small-scale sets. Also, these methods for the extraction of mineral or energy raw materials can be used in the extraction of limited-size plots of abandoned and off-balance reserves.
The lecture provides innovative solutions for the feasibility study of mining operations in the above-mentioned conditions. The basic reserves of minerals are considered and analytical calculations concerning the establishment of their numbers are given taking into account the changing of geometrical sizes of small mining sets. The risks and threats of the mining operations according to used technics and technologies are analyzed. Moreover, for the technical and technological support of the excavation process, traditional mechanical methods for the destruction of the rockmass, as well as radical technologies for transferring the product from one state to another, are offered. Among the techniques of mechanical destruction of solid raw materials is a description of the technology with the help of special mining equipment, such as plows, scraper plows, mining saws etc. In the presenting the radical technologies it is envisaged to consider the possibility to change the aggregate state of mineral and energy raw materials under the influence of external factors. For this purpose, it is supposed to use of high temperatures, pressure, various chemical reagents, etc. The normative acts of such solution are considered together with economic assessment and estimation the ecological influence on the environment.

Name: Imre Gombkötő
Title: Education Manager
Institution: EIT RawMaterials ECLC
Address of the Institution: Stablowicka 147, Wroclaw Poland
Mobile phone number: +3620-4362313

Currently he is Education Manager of the EIT RawMaterials Eastern CLC. Prior to his position in the EIT RM he was affiliated to University of Miskolc, Hungary as process engineer doing teaching and research on recycling. He has large experience in the field of project development and implementation connecting industry and academia. So far he has been able to achieve jointly with ECLC partners drafting a dedicated strategy on the development of raw material related education activity for the ESEE region that implementation phase is starting in 2019.


Lecture will introduce the concept of innovation, its mechanisms, drivers and dimensions in general. Participants will learn about the mining related examples from the history to have better understanding on the nature of innovation and current examples on innovation cases with a special focus on social licence to operate (SLO) will be covered as well.

On the second part of the lecture a workshop will be organized for the participants introducing a quick guide of:

  • components of a business idea;
  • transferring an idea into a “Pitch Desk” a tool can be used effectively communicate the idea;
  • presenting the idea to any relevant stakeholders (externals, investors or internals as management).

The workshop will be organised based on SLO related ideas coming from the attendees.

Name: Nikolaus A. Sifferlinger
Title: Univ.-Prof. DI. Dr.
Institution: Montanuniversität Leoben
Address of the Institution: Franz-Josef-Str. 18, A-8700 Leoben, Austria
Mobile phone number: +4366488989605

Born 1961, married, two grown up children; MSc Electrical Engineering, PhD Mining Science, 1989-2006 in R&D and product development at VOEST-ALPINE Bergtechnik GmbH; 2007-2012 Vice-president R&D and Engineering at Sandvik Mining and Construction GmbH; 2012-2016 independent consultant for mining and tunnelling machinery, automation, safety with own company Dr. Sifferlinger Consulting e.U. (; TÜV certified Functional Safety Expert; since July 2016 Professor for excavation engineering, materials handling and design of mobile machinery at Chair of Mining Engineering and Mineral Economics, Montanuniversitaet Leoben (


Mining underwater in flooded mines both open pits and underground spaces is a topic with growing importance. The Question “Can we continue with mining operations?” is therefore of interest both to mining industry and research institutions.
This lecture give insight into two H2020 Projects where Montanuniversitaet Leoben is a partner in research. One was VAMOS, finished in 2019 and the other one is ROBOMINERS starting in 2019.
As part of the Horizon 2020 programme, the 48 month Research & Development Project “Viable Alternative Mine Operating System” has been executed to enable the exploitation and rehabilitation of underexploited and abandoned European deposits of mineral raw materials.
ROBOMINERS will develop a bio-inspired, modular and reconfigurable robot-miner for small and difficult to access deposits. The aim is to create a prototype robot that is capable of mining underground, underwater or above water, and can be delivered in modules to the deposit via a large diameter borehole. In the envisioned ROBOMINERS technology line, mining will take place underground, underwater in a flooded environment. A large diameter borehole is drilled from the surface to the mineral deposit. A modular mining machine is delivered in modules via the borehole. This will then self-assemble and begin its operation. Powered by a water hydraulic drivetrain and artificial muscles, the robot will have high power density and environmentally safe operation.

A brief overview of other underwater mining activities known globally will be given.

The lecture will close with a brainstorming session on ideas of the DIM Students in this mining challenge.

Name: Kateryna Sergieieva
Title: PhD
Institution: Dnipro University of Technology
Address of the Institution: av. Dmytra Yavornytskoho, 19, Dnipro, Ukraine
Mobile phone number: +380978724944

Kateryna Sergieieva graduated from the National Mining University (presently – Dnipro University of Technology, Ukraine) in Computer Ecological and Economic Monitoring in 2007 (master’s degree with honors). In 2008-2009 did an internship at Wroclaw University of Technology (Poland). Since 2007 till now she is a lecturer and researcher in mentioned DniproTech University. She took part in a research project funded by U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation (Geoinformation Technology of Thermal Anomalies Analysis of Coal Basins using Earth Remote Sensing Materials, 2010) and 7 research projects funded by Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Achieved her Ph.D. degree in 2014 in Information Technologies (Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Ukraine). She is an author of more than 60 scientific publications. Main research interests: aerospace monitoring of mining areas, spatial analysis of natural phenomena and processes with GIS. Courses taught: Data Analysis, Geostatistics, Geoinformation Systems of Environmental Monitoring, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, Modelling of Ecological, Economic and Social Processes, etc.


The lecture covers all aspects of the RAPID GIS remote sensing data processing technology in the tasks of mineral deposits searching and forecasting, environmental monitoring, risk assessment, natural disasters forecasting, etc.
The RAPID (Recognition, Automated Prognosis, and Interpretation of Data) technology is based on the Data Mining procedures, images processing, and spatial data analysis.
The first part of the lecture is focused on spatial data filtering and preprocessing methods, transformants calculating, data informativeness assessment, automatic detection of linear and circular elements on satellite images, image processing and segmentation, lineament analysis, forecasting using pattern recognition methods, data multivariate visualization (raster and gradient maps, 3D surfaces, diagrams). In particular, the RAPID GIS provides more than 200 transformations, and special optimization methods for distinguishing among them the groups that provide problem solutions with minimal error. It also includes lineament analysis subsystem with a large number of procedures for selecting, processing and analyzing of lineaments – linear fragments of satellite images and physical fields. The forecasting susbybtem includes classification methods based on deterministic, statistical, logical and neural network decision rules, and criteria for forecasts accuracy assessment.
The second part is devoted to examples of RAPID GIS application for solving problems of spatial data processing and analyzing. It includes examples of practical application of the RAPID technology for gold objects prediction within the Western Uzbekistan territory, estimation of interconnections between landscape lineaments and earthquake epicenters on three sites located in the mountainous regions of Central Europe (Sudeten Mountains, Carpathian Mountains, and Austrian Alps), etc.

Name: Peter Blistan
Title: assoc. prof., MSc., Ph.D., MBA
Institution: Institute of Geodesy, Cartography and Geographical Information Systems. Faculty of Mining, Ecology, Process Control and Geotechnology. Technical university of Kosice
Address of the Institution: Park Komenského 19, 040 01 Košice, Slovakia
Mobile phone number: +421 915 520 710 | E-mail:

Currently holds the position of Director and university professor at the Institute of Geodesy, Cartography and Geographical Information Systems at FBERG TUKE faculty. He specializes, professionally and scientifically, in Geoinformatics, with a focus on 3D modeling and visualization of spatial data in geographic information systems. He is the expert in 3D modelling and 3D visualisation of natural objects in CAD and GIS and as an expert for spatial analysis of geodata acquired. He is a competent person for the performance of geological works and the function of surveyor for mining activities and activities carried out by mining methods. He is the author and coauthor of more than 200 scientific and scholarly publications and he actively participates in solving of research tasks. His publication record comprises 11 publications recorded in the WoS/CC database, 40 publication in WoS. His published research was cited by 115 publications in WoS and by 170 publications of Scopus.


The whole lecture will be devided into 5 basic parts:

1. UAV (drones) and terrain mapping
In the opening part of the lecture I will give you basic information about UAV, the construction of UAV, the division of UAV and possibilities of their use in terrain documentation. Then I will talk about principles of terrain mapping using UAV and mapping quarries and landfills using UAV. The opening part will be ended with examples of 3D terrain virtualisation method.

2. Quarries documentation using UAV
In the second part of the lecture I will deal with principles of aircraft fotogrametry from UAV, there will be described the process of mapping by UAV, which consists of pre-flight preparation, flight and subsequently processing of aerial images.

3. Processing of AUV images, applied images for a 3D-documentation and 3D modelling
In the third part of lecture I will present the method of processing aerial images from AUV in special software. The results of the process of processing might be: ortophotomaps, digital terrain model and colored points cloud. Within this part of lecture there will also be described the processes of outputs generation, use of these outputs and possibilities of data export (terrain model, points cloud etc.) into different softwares.

4. 3D models- Point Could, TIN, GRID, Digital Terrain Model
In the fourth part of the lecture I will tell you about basic types of 3D outputs from UAV fotogrammetry. I will talk about the method of processing points cloud, ways to display points clouds, work with points could, generation of 3D model like TIN and GRID from points could and at the end there will be presented methods to export TIN and GRID models.

5. Analyses of the Digital Terrain Model, Using 3D models
The end of the lecture will be devoted to analysis of digital terrain models like slope, aspect, volume calculation, generation of a section etc. In the end there will be practical demonstrations of already implemented/done models.

Name: Zlatko Briševac
Title: Assistant Professor
Institution: Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering, Department of Mining and Geotechnical Engineering.
Address of the Institution: Pierottijeva 6, 10002 Zagreb, Croatia
Mobile phone number: –

Zlatko Briševac is Assistant professor on the University of Zagreb, Department of Mining Engineering and Geotechnics, Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering. After graduating in 1995, he worked on the development of the mining project documentation and exploitation of mineral raw materials. Since 2006, he works at the University of Zagreb and has developed as a teacher, scientist and project designer with expertise in mining and rock mechanics. He teaches the following courses: Introduction to Geotechnology and Rock mechanics. His research interests cover the fields of testing and estimates of the physical properties of mineral raw materials as well as the position and overview of mining in Europe. He is a member of the Association of Croatian Mining Engineers; Croatian Geotechnical Society; International Society for Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. He was a member and team leader from the Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering at the H2020 MinGuide – Guidance project for innovation-friendly minerals policy in Europe, and also participates in the RawD Trip RACE program for ESEE Countries.


The well-being of European societies is highly dependent on the long-term supply of natural resources and raw materials for production and use. However, access to non-energy mineral raw materials that constitute the basis of industrial value-chains is not stable and secure. To secure minerals supply in Europe, it is necessary to have a policy framework to promote innovative and sustainable approaches to tackling challenges in mining value chains (exploration and extraction, mineral and metallurgical processing, waste management, and mine closure).
A modern minerals policy framework is an important cornerstone that can facilitate such innovation and entrepreneurship. Public perception of mineral extraction may also act as a barrier to innovation as the public may have particular opinions about the suitability or usefulness of certain technologies, or innovations. The MIN-GUIDE project was focused on identifying key innovation challenges and industry innovation cases outlining facilitating and inhibiting factors encountered in innovation cases and recommending pathways per mineral policy framework for member states of the European Union
The transition to a Circular Economy causes the emergence of increased value-chain integration to promote closed-loop production systems. As shown by the MIN-GUIDE results, the intrinsically linked nature of raw materials to an array of industry and policy sectors further calls for cross-sectoral and stakeholder integration to achieve policy coherence, legitimacy, and awareness. This applies both to the strategic policy agenda and circular economy package, and equally so to more narrowly framed policy agendas, such as industrial manufacturing or recycling.

Name: Hanno Bertignoll
Title: Dipl.-Ing.
Institution: Montanuniversität Leoben
Address of the Institution: Franz-Josef-Str. 18, A-8700 Leoben, Austria
Mobile phone number: +43664808987615

Born 1960, married, five grown-up children; living in Gaal/Austria.
Dipl.-Ing. Mining Engineering,
1986 – 2007 sales and service project manager at VOEST-ALPINE Bergtechnik in Zeltweg/Austria with responsibility for the European coal mining market;
2007 – 2013 Public Relations and Marketing Manager at Sandvik Mining and Construction in Zeltweg/Austria;
2011 – 2013 Business Development Manager for underground coal mining at Sandvik Mining;
2013 – 2015 Sales Support Manager at Sandvik Mining and Construction in Zeltweg/Austria;
2016 – 2017 Marketing Manager for ASCO Group (Steel components and recycling machinery).
Since March 2018 working as Project Manager at EIT RawMaterials Regional Center Leoben.
Activities include coordination, application and development of raw materials projects.


Mining close to built-up areas presents numerous challenges.
Vibrations and noise as consequences of blasting excavation are the most criticised impacts on the neighbourhood. Both humans and buildings suffer from heavy vibrations.
In this lecture we will look at mechanical cutting as an alternative excavation method, that can be applied to avoid blasting vibrations. The continuous mining method allows rock excavation using cutting machines such as roadheaders or surface miners. The cutting method does not induce any blasting shocks and harmful vibrations.
The benefits and limitations of this excavation method are being presented, as well as some basic principles for determination of suitability. Rock mass characteristics and abrasivity can play a major role in selecting the most suitable mining method.

The lecture will close with a brainstorming session concerning some financial aspects of excavation method selection.

Name: Kostiantyn Hanushevych
Title: Associate Professor
Institution: Underground Mining Department, Dnipro University of Technology
Address of the Institution: 19, Yavornitskogo avenue, Dnipro, Ukraine 49000
Mobile phone number: +380669046098

Kostiantyn Hanushevych holds PhD in Technical Sciences and works as an Associate Professor at the Underground Mining Department of Dnipro University of Technology (former: National Mining University, Ukraine).
Kostiantyn Hanushevych specializes in extraction technologies of thin and very thin coal seams under complex geological conditions; modernization of longwall mining methods in coal underground mines for specific mining conditions. Roof support techniques depending on physical characteristics of rocks and other criteria. Coal and ores extraction using various mining methods. Development of alternative sources of energy technologies, specifically, coal mine methane utilization and follow-up application for people’s domestic needs. Gas hydrates technologies is now the major scientific trend being paid attention to since they can be used to utilize coalbed methane and transport it in solid or even powder form.
The scientific work is presented by nearly 30 publications in English, Russian and Ukrainian languages (including 8 patents and 1 monograph).


Urban areas have all varieties of crucial communication means such as pipelines, sewage systems, power wires, water networks etc. In addition, car roads, railway networks and bridges are all greatly interconnected. If one of the links does not function, it can lead to other serious consequences.

The lecturer first covers the information concerning risks of mining operations conduction below urban areas and gives the opportunity to understand that mining operations taking place below urban areas can lead to hazardous situations such as surface subsidence, flooding, contamination of ground waters and soil and even significant harm to biodiversity.

Thus, nowadays, a lot of attention is paid to extracting minerals in a safe and environmentally friendly manner causing little to no harm to the land surface. This can be achieved due to usage of modern mining technologies ending in a safe shut-down of mining enterprises and full land surface reclamation afterwards. The lecturer is analysing all real and potential disadvantages of underground mining below surface paying specific attention to possible damage of surface.

Innovative solutions and preventive measures such as identification of all surface facilities that might be potentially affected for solving the above-mentioned problems and threats are given by the lecturer. The lecturer explains methods of Identification of potentially unstable structures, ways of monitoring ground movements and impacts on the surface and risk assessment.

Name: Iliya Borisov Garkov
Title: Vice President of Dundee Precious Metals and General Manager for Bulgaria
Institution: Dundee Precious Metals
Address of the Institution: Sofia 1000, 26 Bacho Kiro Str.
Mobile phone number:

Iliya Garkov is Vice President of Dundee Precious Metals, Canada and General Manager for Bulgaria.
Dr. Iliya Garkov has 30 years of mining experience in Bulgaria, Australia and Armenia. He obtained his Mining Engineering Master’s Degree in 1992, followed by Underground Mining and Geotechnology major and Ph.D. in 2005 from the Mining and Geology University in Sofia, Bulgaria. His technical and practical professional knowledge has been upgraded with a series of management programmes in several universities, including the London Business School Senior Executive Programme in 2016.
Besides his strong leadership and role in the implementation of major improvements to Dundee Precious Metals’ two operations in Bulgaria, dr. Garkov co-authored 5 professional textbooks as well acted editor of BSc and MA thesis of 7 students and 5 scientific research papers.
He is a guest-lecturer at a number of domestic and international universities.


Digital transformation in the mining industry has already brought incremental changes in certain operations and the continuous focus of industry leaders will for sure be in that direction.
Dundee Precious Metals in Bulgaria has been investing in developing ways of making production safer and more efficient. These efforts brought back significant increase in collecting data from a variety of sources and analyzing it in integration. And while digital methods are more and more an inseparable part of mining operations, it is important to also ask the question how what takes place in industry is mirrored in the university through the skills and knowledge.
The lecture is also going to raise the issue of how professions change in the digital and changing context. We will discuss these questions through the experience of the copper-gold-pyrite underground mine in Chelopech. And because no change is possible without a proper management, I will touch upon Dundee Precious Metals principles of Operational Effectiveness and Accountability.

Name: Igor Podravac
Institution: Ekonex d.o.o. (Našicecement d.d.)
Address: Braće Radića 200, 31500 Našice
Mobile phone number: +385 99 392 3344

10 + years in waste management business, worked in CIOS Group as a board management advisor, and later as a chief operating officer at CIOS MBO, private MBT plant in Croatia wich is designed to produce alternative fuels for cement plants. First person in Croatia who successfully produced alternative fuel material reliable for main burner for cement plan incineration in kiln production.

President of the technical committee for solid recovered fuel – SRF/RDF at Croatian Standard Institute. (2105. – 2018.).

Responsible person for alternative fuels and alternative raws at Našicecement, part of NEXE Group, and for development of standards on solid recovered fuels made ​​from non-hazardous waste, and hazardous waste, which is used for energy recovery in cement plant.


Lecture will be divided in three phases:

  1. Alternative fuels in the cement industry
  2. Alternative raw materials in the cement industry
  3. CO2 reduction in cement industry using alternative fuels and alternative raw materials

Cement production has advanced greatly in the last few decades. The traditional fuels used in traditional kilns include coal, oil, petroleum coke, and natural gas. The substitution of fossil fuels by alternative fuels (AF) in the production of cement clinker is of great importance both for cement producers and for society because it conserves fossil fuel reserves and, in the case of biogenic wastes, reduces greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, the use of alternative fuels can help to reduce the costs of cement production. Energy costs and environmental concerns have encouraged cement companies worldwide to evaluate to what extent conventional fuels can be replaced by waste materials, such as waste oils, mixtures of non-recycled plastics and paper, used tires, biomass wastes, and even wastewater sludge. The clinker firing process is well suited for various alternative fuels; the goal is to optimise process control and alternative fuel consumption while maintaining clinker product quality. The potential is enormous since the global cement industry produces about 3.5 billion tons that consume nearly 350 million tons of coal-equivalent fossil and alternative fuels. Nasicecement plant have replaced part of the fossil fuel used by alternative fuels, such waste recovered fuels. Many years of industrial experience have shown that the use of wastes as alternative fuels by cement plants is both ecologically and economically justified.

Name: Mr. László Ézsiás
Title: chief technologist engineer
Institution: Colas Északkő Kft.
Address of the Institution: 10. Malom utca, Tarcal, HUNGARY, H-3915
Mobile phone number: +36 30 488 5965


  • civil engineer-BSc (2006)
  • civil engineer-MSc (2013)

Work experiences:

  • Institute for Transport Sciences of Hungary (2005-2013)
  • Research and laboratory activities (earthwork, aggregates, concrete, asphalt)
  • Colas aggregate company (2013-)
  • Factory Production Control, laboratory activities, R&D projects, sales support
  • Teaching at University of Győr, postgraduate training in road technology engineering

Special projects:

  • SPENS-project: sustainable roads for the new European Union member states (EU level)
  • Sustainable roads in Hungary (Hungary-level)


Our company operates several hard rock (volcanic) quarries in North-East Hungary. Almost each quarry produced all types of aggregates 5-6 years before. After the worldwide economic collapse in 2008, we reorganised our quarry network. This reorganisation let the opportunity to build a cost-effective and clear production system in the satellite quarries. With the help with this reorganisation, the quality risk of the products had also decreased.
Our quarry portfolio diversification consists from several scopes. One interesting point, that we launched the recycling activity in some quarries, where we produced only 0/D fractions. We process the primary and secondary raw material together and the final products are suit for the CEN standards and National Application Documents. Other main scope was to achieve a clear product palette.
There are some technology developed sales tools, which have big impact for both the sales and the number of non-compliances. The most interesting tool is a “Product Information and User Guide” document, which contains not only the necessary and required data, but contains some useful information for the customers (bulk density, application fields, photos, etc.). Other tool is an IT application, which is used to store the quality data of each product and the sales department is able to reach exact and prompt data about the products.
We took some steps for changing product standards and our colleagues are sitting in professional committees. Therefore, we have impact on the standardisation processes. Many of cases we did R&D project, before we launch a standardisation lobby activity.

Name: Dr. Botond Kertész
Title: quarry and sales director
Institution: Colas Északkő Kft.
Address of the Institution: 10. Malom utca, Tarcal, HUNGARY, H-3915
Mobile phone number: +36 30 529 4835


  • PhD. in Earth Sciences (2008)


  • geologist engineer (2001)
  • geography (2002)

Other authorised entitlements:

  • Expert on Nature Conservation (protection geological natural values and caves)
  • Expert on Environmental (waste management, water- and geological medium protection)
  • Expert on geology (general geology, mineral raw material geology, mineral resource management specialties)
  • Mining Engineering Designer (mining facilities, works of art, mining operations technology and operation plans for mining of mineral resources)

Work experiences:

  • Euromines (Brussels, 2006)
  • Colas aggregate company (2007-)
  • Teaching at University of Miskolc, Faculty of Earth Sciences (2012-)

Special projects:

  • Geological mapping (Hungary)
  • Critical Raw Materials project (EU-level)
  • Study on extractive waste management plan (EU-level, under construction)

Name: Mario Zečić
Title: MBA
Institution: Holcim (Hrvatska) d.o.o.
Address of the Institution: Puškarićeva 1b, 10250 Lučko, Croatia
Mobile phone number: +385 98 462 458

Mario Zečić is a member of the Management Board of Holcim (Hrvatska) d.o.o., responsible for their mining activities. He has Graduated mining engineering at the faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering in Zagreb, and obtained Masters in business administration from CBA. He has worked in the fields of geophysical explorations, IT business solutions and mining.


The global megatrends of population growth, urbanization and rising living standards offer significant business and growth opportunities in our industry. The global building materials market is worth EUR 2.2 trillion annually and is continually growing. At the same time, these trends are challenging our planet through increased carbon emissions, depletion of natural resources and an increase of waste. As countries develop, solutions for sustainable prosperity are needed.
Buildings and infrastructure have come into focus in this challenge. While on one side they form the very basis for societal development, they also account for 30 to 40 percent of worldwide CO2 emissions, with around 5 percent occurring during the construction phase. Also, they consume substantial amounts of raw materials and generate significant volumes of waste. Society thus urgently needs to find solutions for a more sustainable built environment.
At LafargeHolcim we are committed to contribute our share along our entire value chain. Our 2050 vision for the built environment rests on four strategic drivers: Climate and Energy, Circular Economy, Environment and Community.
In the center of all our activities to address the four drivers is Innovation. We are continuously developing innovative products and solutions for a built environment that meet these criteria, satisfying a continuously growing market demand for sustainable solutions.
This lecture is focusing on our actions and progress toward achieving targets set by UN Sustainable Development Goals and incorporated into our Sustainability ambitions..

Keywords: UN global goals, Reduction of CO2 emissions, more renewable energy, harnessing
innovation’s power



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